Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Most times we are afraid of getting down, and as a result we are complacent about things that are related to being down, Failure.
So when we fail we find excuse for it, we sometimes do not even accept our own fault even when we know that we caused it.
we become so religious that we fail to see failure for what it is, oh, it is wrong to speak about other peoples failure , we fail to constructively criticise ourselves for ailing, so there is no concrete self examination, we set committees to make us look we are serious in correcting the wrong and prvent future failures, but alas we aere just interested in buying times to cover our shame, so that when others ask and talk we pass the blame over to previous unimplemented reports, SHAME!.
When our youts fail in external examinatons, we query the examination bodied, but we forget that those children are not really ready for the examinations, psychologically, emotionally and even academically, and thta we push them even when we know that they are not qualify to be in their pesent class and not really cut out for the courses they are offering.
We forget that their nstructors also need refresher courses and motivation. We forget to check their class work and also motivate our children to take their assignments seriously, we make excuse not for not having time to visit them in school and for not going for the PTA meetings, but rather we never forget to buy  and invest in games and toys  and teach them how to operate conplicated TVs and game consoles, but never have time for their academic work  but we get others to do our parenting work and yet we complian they fail.
We look away when those that have no business in science and technology, those that lack the passion, but we force them, because we love titles for our kids.
We neglect our roads , because we never value working hard for success, and all rush to the airports because we love shotcut and the easiest way to thngs, what about now that our planes are no more staying in the air and the airports are becoming warehouses.
While we are crying, or even jubilatin about our present state as a natio, it is pertinent that we really sit down and analyse, why do we keep coming coming down.
Why are we struggling over things other nation take for granted.
 Education is more than building mega schools and employing teachers and increasing wages and salaries, but our attitude towards it.
Education itself does not guarantee success, but the application of it. If in doubt how come we are having a lot of jobless and unemployable graduates, who are suppose to be creating jobs, but are looking for one
There is need for  paradigm shift in our attitudes, we really need to revamp it. All of us, from the students, who need to be more studious, to the parents, who are not unnecessarily putting pressure on the children to pass at all cost, to the Teachers, who need to move away from the traditional class room approach, to the retired teachers, who need to volunteer to teach part time, to the society, who needs to de-emphasis the craze for paper qualifications, to the Government at all levels, who need to prioritize the education of its citizenry through adequate funding.
All of us really need to get our hands dirty, so that we can stop coming down.

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